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Spaulding Chiropractic Clinic Fairbanks Alaska


Spaulding Chiropractic Clinic has a rich and storied history. Spaulding Chiropractic Clinic was the first Chiropractic Clinic in Fairbanks and was established back in 1958. Spaulding has been serving Fairbanks and surrounding areas for over 65 years and has a tremendous reputation as the Chiropractic Clinic that you can trust to treat you like family. We will work hard to earn your trust, and we try very hard to value your time.

Dr. Moore and Dr. Wyman work 6 days a week to be sure that a Chiropractor is always available to see you. We know you can’t always plan for when you are going to need us. Our hours make us particularly easy to get in to see and we have the pleasure of seeing patients from North Pole, Delta, Tok, Clear, and many other areas. Seeing patients who live all over the state is something that we really enjoy! Patients appreciate that they can stop in and see us no matter where they live!

We have a passion for getting people better and you now have a chance to benefit from that. Everyday we deal with people who are in pain and have been left out in the cold by the medical mainstream. If you are tired of telling your doc that you have pain and then being given a painkiller, we are for you. Somewhere inside you know that your pain is not caused by a lack of painkiller or anti-inflammatory in your system. Chiropractic gets to the root cause of your pain. Poor joint alignment and motion is the cause of most back and neck pain and no amount of painkiller or anti-inflammatory will ever correct this issue. Only your Chiropractor can correct the alignment and motion issues. At Spaulding Chiropractic Clinic, we get to the cause of your problem. Do not chase symptoms! Get to the cause with Chiropractic care.

Your Local Fairbanks Chiropractor
At Spaulding Chiropractic Clinic, we are your local Fairbanks Chiropractor, and we put you first. We will take the time to listen to you and get a full grasp of your symptoms. After this we will look first to your spine for any cause of your problem. Most spinal problems are caused by poor alignment or motion in the spine itself.

Why Choose Spaulding Chiropractic?
A joint that is in poor alignment or simply not moving properly is bound to create symptoms for us sooner or later. It is important to understand that many of the chronic pains we feel today have their roots in our past. Previous injuries or chronic postural positions lead to stress that our joints cannot handle, and the result is inflammation and pain, often years down the road.



515 7th Ave #230, Fairbanks, AK 99701, United States

Contact Information

515 7th Ave #230, Fairbanks, AK 99701, United States
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