Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Nigerian fried stew (one ata dindin) is one of the major cuisines in Nigeria’s menu, the stew goes with yam, rice, spaghetti, couscous, and other numerous foods. It is a simple delicacy yet very delicious. The aroma of this stew is enough to invite your neighbors for dinner.
There are different ways of making Nigerian fried stew, but this particular recipe tops it all in simplicity and deliciousness. It is made with basic ingredients that you can get, and they are affordable.
Without further delay, let drive into making this delicious stew.
Perfect consistency (step one)
your pepper mix for fried stew should be in perfect consistency. To get this, roughly blend your pepper or use a great to great the pepper to give you a chopped or roughly blended pepper.
This is the perfect consistency for the Nigerian fried stew. Rinse your tomatoes, scotch bonnets pepper, one onion and rough blend it and set that aside.
Your fish structure (step two
You don’t need your fish whole in this particular stew. Cut your fish into three pieces each, and washh them.
Remove the head of the fish and all the intestines of the fish. Put it in a cooking pot, add a cube of seasoning, half a teaspoon of salt, some onions, and 2 cups (0.47 l) of water, and cook for about 7 to 10 minutes.
Once it is cooked, dissemble the fish with your fork and remove the fish bones, this is to make sure it is easy to eat and be careful while taking the stew to avoid swallowing the fish bones.
The Quick recipe (step 3)
put your pan on the heat, add your oil, your chopped onions, and your locust beans and stir, allow it to fry for about 3 minutes then add fish, turn it gently Into the oil and fry it together for about 2 minutes then add your pepper mix, seasoning, salt, blended crayfish and mix and cook for 10 to 15 minutes on a medium heat.
Once the time is up, you can go ahead and mix it with your fried chicken, turkey, or even fish and mix gently. Cover it for about 2 minutes, and your delivery Obe ata-dindin is ready to devour.
By this time, you already know you don’t need to invite your neighbors to dinner before they will knock on your door, to a taste of the goodness you just finished cooking.
How to serve
You can enjoy your stew with cooked white rice, beans, fried or cooked yam, spaghetti and any food of your choice. You can also enjoy it with smooth and fresh fruit juice after serving it with your choice of food.
Secret Do and don’t:
Shombo is good for the stew because it helps thicken your soup and stew and helps you avoid watering some of stew.
You can reduce your pepper intake in Nigerian stew by adding a lot of tomatoes with a little volume of chili, and scotch bonnet pepper.
The secret to a good stew is measuring the right proportion of ingredients, cooking on a lower heat, and avoiding excessive spice input into the stew.
This particular stew is one of the easiest to make and takes little time to make. Once you have your ingredients ready, you are good to go. Remember to like, share and comment.
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