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Healthy Homemade Fried Rice

Amazing Best 5 Fried Rice Recipes For Breakfast | Home and Edibles

Fried rice is a combination of rice and vegetables. How you cook has to do with the recipes you are using.

Here are five simple fried rice recipes that are irresistible and will make your family love your meal more.

  1. Nigerian Signature fried rice 
  2. Chinese rice
  3. coconut fried rice
  4. pineapple fried rice
  5. Italian fried rice.

1. Nigerian fried rice

best Nigeria fried rice

Nigerian fried rice is one of the most lovely food in Nigeria.

 Its is a mixture of rice and veggies with some fried cow liver. 

You need some simple ingredients like carrot, green pea, green beans, fried liver, canned corn, and spices to cook it.

How to cook Nigerian fried rice

  • On a frying pan, add some vegetable oil or butter.
  • Add all the chopped vegetables and fry for like 5minutes, and your spices and add a little chicken stock.
  • Allow it to cook together for 2 minutes then add your cooked rice and fry everything together.
  • Your fried rice is ready to serve. You can enjoy it with any protein of your choice. Chicken would not be wrong, though, with some chilled fruit juice.

2. Chinese fried 

chinese  fried rice
chinese fried rice

Chinese fried rice is one the most Asian food known for its deliciousness.

It’s also a mixture of cooked rice and some veggies with chopped hotdogs, veggies like carrots, green beans and onions, etc.

How to cook Chinese fried 

  • add some cooking butter to your frying pan; your chopped veggies should follow, and then your spices.
  • Add about two whisk eggs to the cooking goodness in the pot and allow to fry together. Now add your rice and mix. 
  • Allow it to steam for 2minutes, and then your Chinese fried rice is ready to be served. 
  • You can enjoy it with any protein of your choice. Chicken would not be wrong, though, with some chilled fruit juice.

3. Coconut Fried Rice

coconut fried rice

coconut fried rice is different from other recipes because of its delicious milky taste. It’s a mixture of cooked rice with coconut milk and veggies.

It’s straightforward and very delicious.

How to cook Coconut Fried Rice

  • Add some butter to your cooking pan; after it has melted, add your onions and chopped veggies( carrots, corn, and green pea with red bell pepper).
  • Stir for about 3 minutes. Add your spices after this and mix well. Then add a cup of coconut milk.
  • After this, leave for about 2minute to cook together, and then add your cooked rice.
  • Leave for about 5minutes on low heat. After this, your coconut fried is ready to serve.

4. Pineapple fried rice 

pineapple fried rice

One of the best ways to enjoy pineapple is by making this delicious pineapple fried rice, which is very sweet and can be taken at any time. It’s one of the healthy breakfasts you can take.

How to cook Pineapple fried rice 

  • Add some cooking butter to your frying pan, add your onions, and your chopped veggies (carrots, green beans, corn, and bell pepper).
  •  Allow it to fry for about 3minutes. 
  • Add a cup of your pineapple blend and spices. Leave to cook for 3 minutes. 
  • Now add your rice and allow to cook on low heat for 5 minutes. 
  • Your pineapple fried rice is ready to serve. You can enjoy it with any protein of your choice.

5. Italian fried rice

Italian fried rice

Italian fried rice is one of the top-notch Italian foods; it’s a combination of cooked rice and some minced garlic and parsley leaves with some vinegar and some bell pepper.

It’s very delicious and easy to make.

How to cook Italian fried rice

  • Add some olive oil to your frying pan, chopped onions, and minced garlic.
  • Then add some chopped parsley-leave, red wine, and vinegar. 
  • Add your seasoning and salt to taste. Add some pepper blend and mix well
  • Add your cooked rice and mix very well. Add about two tablespoons of water to steam for about a minute, and your Italian fried rice is ready to serve.
  • You can serve it with whatever protein you like. Chicken, on the other hand, would go well with some chilled fruit juice.

FAQs About Fried Rice

Is olive oil good for fried rice?

Yes, olive oil is good for fried rice as it is very nutritious and has a great taste.
It’s an excellent oil to use even in making other things.

Can I make fried rice for breakfast?

Fried rice can be taken as breakfast, lunch, or even dinner. It’s a meal that fits your time anytime.

Why do they put an egg in fried?

Eggs are usually put in fried rice, to give it a more satisfying taste. it’s usually in Chinese fried rice recipe


Fried rice is one of the healthy food you can have for breakfast, lunch, or dinner because it contains a balanced diet.

Cooking is accessible while the taste is delicious.

Remember to like, comment, and share some beautiful pictures of your fried rice with me.

See you next time.