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Frequent Condiments in Your Dishes

8 Must Have Condiments in Your Dishes

Often, condiments are taken as spices and vice versa, but there’s an obvious difference between the two. While spices are added during meal preparation (i.e., cooking), condiments are added to improve the flavour of foods after cooking.

Food and spices condiment dishes
Food and spices condiment dishes | istock

There are several condiments used across the globe, but today’s focus is on the most important condiments to have in every kitchen, whether as a culinary expert or a culinary novice.

  1. Mustard
  2. Cinnamon
  3. Nutella
  4. Turmeric
  5. Ketchup
  6. Mayonnaise
  7. Ginger
  8. Olive oil

Let’s take you through the right must-haves one after the other:

1. Mustard

Mustard belongs to the Brassica family and is considered one of the best condiments in the world. It has three varieties (white mustard, brown mustard, and black mustard).

Mustard seeds in the wooden scoop and mustard sauce in a bow.
Mustard seeds in the wooden scoop and mustard sauce in a bow.

Mustard is a beautiful choice for a lot of your dishes. Some mustard with mashed potatoes cannot give a vomittable combo. Apart from being used alone, mustard can be complemented with several other condiments to birth an entirely new awesome condiment.

How amazing! It can also be blended with butter and lemon to make a topping for toast. This great condiment not only enhances flavour but has also proven to be healthily beneficial.

Filet mignon with caper and mustard sauce, broccoli, pepper grinder | istock
Filet mignon with caper and mustard sauce, broccoli, pepper grinder | istock

Mustard’s Health Benefits

  • Mustard is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties and is hence, good therapy for pain relief in the gums, bones, and teeth.
  • Because of its strong antibacterial and antifungal properties, it helps in fighting infections in the digestive system and cures bacterial and fungal skin infections.
  • It also helps in preventing cancer.
  • It manages high blood pressure.

2. Cinnamon

When thinking of a condiment that can be added to all dishes, cinnamon will cross your mind first. That is how great condiment cinnamon is and even beyond. It is the second most popular condiment after mustard.

It is gotten from the inner barks of the tropical Cinnamomum trees, also known as cassia.

Whether in stick or ground form, cinnamon is wonderful. Many cuisines, including Indian, Mexican, Middle Eastern, North African, and West African, have adopted cinnamon as their primary condiment in dishes.

Cinnamon sticks and cinnamon seeds on a white background.
Cinnamon sticks and cinnamon seeds on a white background | istock

Cinnamon powder is commonly added to beverages, toasts, and pastries.

A sprinkle of cinnamon on an Italian classic will suit the belly. You may as well stir some powder into puddings or other desserts.

It is also incorporated into smoothies and sprinkled on vegetables and fruits.

Cinnamon can play several roles as a condiment because of its distinct, intense, and sweet taste. There’s a myth about cinnamon tightening vaginas, but this is not true and there is no scientific backing for it.

 Cinnamon in a cup cake
Cinnamon in a cup cake

Cinnamon’s Health Benefits

  • It lowers blood glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides in people with diabetes.
  • It helps alleviate menstrual cramps.
  • It is a good natural option to fight halitosis (an oral health condition of unpleasant breath odour).
  • It prevents indigestion.
  • A cup of cinnamon mixed with milk boosts sexual libido, and sperm production, treats premature ejaculation, and even cures impotency.

3. Nutella

Nutella is a chocolate spread made from hazelnuts. It is manufactured by Ferrero, an Italian company, and is available in malls and retail outlets. It is also available for sale in online stores such as Jiomart, Konga, Jumia, Walmart, etc. It was invented by Pietro Ferrero.

A bread with a Nutella chocolate cream
A bread with a Nutella chocolate cream

Since its invention, a series of homemade recipes for Nutella has been tried out and is reported to have come out excellently well.

Nutella is considered a condiment, especially for bread and dips. It is New York’s favourite condiment.

It is used for drizzles in cakes and as a dipping sauce for varieties such as brownies, churros, strawberries, etc. It is also used as a dipping sauce for pancakes, waffles, or ice cream.

 Little boy having breakfast with a Nutella as condiment
Little boy having breakfast with a Nutella as condiment

Health Benefits of Nutella

  • It is an excellent source of nutrients and protein.
  • Cocoa, as one of the ingredients present in Nutella aids in blood clotting and blood pressure regulation.
  • Hazelnut, as a component ingredient also helps boost the immune system.

However, research showed that Nutella is not a suitable option for daily consumption because of its high saturated fat content, which causes heart diseases, indigestion, and even raises cholesterol levels.

4. Turmeric

 Turmeric is widely known for its importance in cooking and dermatology and hence a necessity in every kitchen. It belongs to the same family as ginger(Zingiberaceae). Its colour ranges from bright yellow to deep orange.

Turmeric powder and turmeric root isolated on white background
Turmeric powder and turmeric root isolated on white background | istock

If you are seeking a condiment to give your dishes a golden colour, then you should think of turmeric.

The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which is the agent responsible for the colour.

Turmeric is a superb supplement to stews, squashes, roasted vegetables, tea, etc. It has been found that turmeric is responsible for the yellow colour of curry.

Turmeric can also be brewed to a consumable tea and it can be used to cure indigestion, check 5 Home-Made Herbal Teas For Hemorrohid to learn more.

Cup of ayurvedic drink golden coconut milk with turmeric |
Cup of ayurvedic drink golden coconut milk with turmeric | istock

Health Benefits of Turmeric

  • Curcumin, which is the active ingredient in turmeric, has both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • It helps to prevent cancer.
  • It is good for the normal functioning of the heart and brain.
  • It aids digestion.
  • It fights age-related chronic diseases.

5. Ketchup

Rarely called catsup, ketchup is one of the most popular and important condiments used across the globe. It is primarily made of tomatoes and, secondarily, of vinegar, salt, spices, corn syrup, cloves, coriander, etc., depending on the blending option.

Open ketchup packet | istock
Open ketchup packet | istock

It is believed to be the hero of American condiments. According to, “97% of households in the United States report having a bottle at home”.

This graph depicts the consumption of catsup / ketchup in the United States from 2011 to 2020, as well as a projection through 2024. Statista compiled the information using data from the United States Census Bureau and the Simmons National Consumer Survey (NHCS). In 2020, 308.39 million Americans used catsup / ketchup, according to this estimate. In 2024, this number is expected to rise to 316.6 million.

U.S. population: Usage of catsup / ketchup from 2011 to 2024
U.S. population: Usage of catsup / ketchup from 2011 to 2024

 Ketchup is used because of its smoothness and sweet taste. It is used in dressing salads and is a good idea as dips for fries.

Ketchup can also be enjoyed with hot dogs, egg rolls, broccoli, lentil soup, etc. It can as well go with other meals depending on choice.

Golden French Fries in a metal colander with Tomato Sauce in a small white bowl
Golden French Fries in a metal colander with Tomato Sauce in a small white bowl

Health Benefits of Ketchup

  • Lycopene (which is the active ingredient present in tomatoes) possesses antioxidant properties that pose health benefits such as sun protection, cell protection from damage, and lowering the risk of certain types of diabetes.
  • It improves eyesight.
  • Unlike mayonnaise, ketchup has no fat and lower calories.
  • It is beneficial for obese people.
  • It increases sperm count.

Read More: Dyspepsia | 8 Foods To Free Yourself From Dyspepsia (Indigestion)

6. Mayonnaise

Glass jar of mayonnaise with a spoon.
Glass jar of mayonnaise with a spoon.

According to Cambridge English Dictionary, mayonnaise is a thick, creamy, cold, sauce that is added to foods and is made from oil, vinegar, and egg yolk. It is shortened as and called “mayo”. It was originated in France, Spain by the French chef of the Duke de Richelieu in the year 1756.

This condiment is used by most culinary experts and has been known as the perfect condiment for sandwiches and burgers. The tangy condiment has, however, proved to be more useful than just a spread for sandwiches and burgers.

Coleslaw is never complete without some mayonnaise. Yes or yes? Some bakers also showed interest in baking with mayonnaise.

It helps breadcrumbs stuck to beef, chicken, fish, etc. It is also used with other condiments to create entirely new condiments or sauces.

As valuable as this condiment is, it is found in a struggle for the best position with its counterpart, ketchup, but they, however, have their good and bad sides.

Vegan, Meatless-Plant Based Protein Chicken Strip Burger on a Whole Wheat Bun with Lettuce Tomato and Mayonnaise
Meatless-Plant Based Protein Chicken Strip with Lettuce Tomato and Mayonnaise
Vegetable salad , Mayonnaise and hardboiled egg
Vegetable salad , Mayonnaise and hardboiled egg

Health Benefits of Mayonnaise

  • It is essentially rich in Vitamin E content (Omega-3), which improves cardiovascular health.
  • It is also good for stroke prevention.
  • Research showed that Mayonnaise prevents depression.

Mayonnaise should, however, be taken in moderation to prevent type-2 diabetes and cancer, and also to prevent the body from producing pro-inflammatory chemicals.

7. Ginger

Ginger root
Ginger root

This Asian-native condiment belongs to the same family as turmeric as stated earlier.

It is prominently known for its flavour, especially the fresh ginger. It is one of the several spicy condiments used to enhance flavour in dishes.

 Ketchup is Some slices of ginger can take your tea to the cloud-nine with its strong aroma and slightly peppery taste.

It can also be eaten alone to refresh a palate. It is also a good accompaniment to sushi and benishoga. It is a good flavour for meat, marinades, fish, stir-fries, etc.

Hot drink with ginger
Hot drink with ginger

Health Benefits of Ginger

  • It is a good cure for indigestion.
  • It enhances arousal and sexual function in both men and women.
  • Gingerol, which is an active component of ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • It is used as a natural remedy for cold, sore throat, cough and flu.

8.Olive oil

Olive oil and olive branch
Olive oil and olive branch | istock

 Olive oil is gotten from the fruit of the tropical Olive tree. It contains mono-unsaturated fatty acids. It has numerous uses in cooking and as a condiment. Olive oil can be quite expensive, but it cannot be beaten for its benefits.

It is one of the purest oils in the world of condiments. It can be considered a good option for bread dips. It adds a great taste when added to salad and you can as well to your cheese with little Olive oil sprinkles.

Handsome chef pouring olive oil on meal
Handsome chef pouring olive oil on meal in a commercial kitchen

Health Benefits of Olive oil

  • Like most condiments, olive oil contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • You can relax frying with this oil with no worry about weight gain.
  • It improves cardiological functions.
  • It reduces the risk of Arthritis.
  • It benefits the digestive system.


By now, you will agree with me that these eight articles are must-haves, not just because they enhance the flavour of your dishes but also because of their health benefits. When next you are in a gathering where condiments are regarded as “overdoing”, do well to argue that it is simply normal.

Image Credit: istockphoto